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How to open a Mex file with the same name?

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This was easy in MEX 3.X.


Suppose you made a backup of your MEX File (Name.mex) on a different place on the harddisc. You just copied the original one. Now you want to load that file and replace the actual one which has the same name.


I can´t open it because MEX Pro thinks it´s the same. Reopen shows no effects. E.g. floating menus are not actualising.


At the moment i use one of those workarounds.


- Renaming the MEX Files.

- Restarting Mex Pro.


Any way to simply load it like in MEX 3.X?


Thank you


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I'm not sure I understand what you said "replace the actual one which has the same name", could you elaborate? I'm getting hung up on the usage of "actual" I think.


In any case have you tried Load New Macro File with the Close All Open... option?

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Hi Cory,


Sorry i mistyped that. With the actual one i mean the one which is loaded. This is the correct sentence:


"Now you want to load that file and replace the actual one with that other file which has the same name as the loaded mex-file."


The "Load New Macro File with the Close All Open option" does not work because it displays the message "The specified file is already open."


So, as workaround Nr. 3 you could rename the file.


In MEX 3.X i just loaded the file and replaced the actual one.

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So let me get this straight with an example.

  1. You start with a file A as c:\Dir1\A.mex. This is the loaded macro.
  2. You copy A to c:\Dir2\A.mex. Let's call that B. A is still loaded. IE you never load B.
  3. You now want to restore B to A using a macro in A while A is loaded.

Is that correct?

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IE you never load B.

What does "IE" stand for? Sorry i´m not an native english speaker!


To your example:

Yes i want B to replace A. I don´t want to use a macro doing that. I simply want to open it via the file-menu. Any idea how to do that?


By the way. A and B are not identical. They just share the same name!


Wait! I accidently disabled the advanced file prompt (Preferences/General/Dialogs). Let me check that.



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Sorry about that. I.E. is actually a Latin initialism for "Id Est" which literally means "That is". We most often use it interchangeably with the phrase "In other words...".


You will also see me use E.G. in a similar fashion. It is an initialism for "Exempli Gratia" which literally translates to "gratuitous example" or "For the sake of example..."


Watch out for us poorly educated Americans though, many of us confuse the use of these two initialisms and use them improperly. I know I did for years.

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I think I know what you're on about! You're wondering where the "File > Save Macro File As" has gone, is that correct? If so this debate occurred some time ago here on the forum, you might look back for it. Don't waste your time, it's gone for good. For all practical purposes you need to use Windows Explorer now to do this. Personally I don't miss it because I usually use a file manager like Windows Explorer to manage files and not the application's "Save as" facility. But my last position in the debate was that I didn't think it would hurt either to have the functionality. You might want to express your desire to have it back with ISS. The more people that ask the more likely it is it will get done.

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No Cory. It´s not about saving! It´s all about loading.


I enabled the advanced file prompt (Preferences/General/Dialogs) an checked "Close all open files before opening this file". But it has no effect. I simply can´t load a .mex file which has the same name as the one which is loaded. It displays "The specified file is already open." Which is true, when it comes to the name of the file. However, the files of course are not identical.


In MEX 3.x that was no problem. The loaded one overwrote the actual one.

In MEX Pro i have to rename the new file or terminate MEX Pro.



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So it's about opening... I must be thick, I can't figure out what you're describing.


I just created a file test.mex in c:\dir1 and a made a copy of it in c:\dir2. With c:\dir1\test.mex open I did File > Open and selected c:\dir2\test.mex and it loads fine. Tried it twice with and without the "Close all" option. So right now I have two files named test.mex open in Explorer with no problem.


I must be misunderstanding your scenario, perhaps you could do a detailed description of what the problem is your having?

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I finally figured it out!

Open Test.mex and than try to open it again. (Same file, same folder!!)

Mex Pro checks for name and directory. It refuses to open.mex files if they are identical in those 2 aspects with the acutal one.


As i overwrote the actual one with one within the same directory MEX Pro did not notice that those files were different and refused to open them.


As i said Mex 3.X opened files in any case which i prefer.




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Now I see. I wasn't seeing what you were trying to do becasue you don't need to do it.


In other words you do not need to reload the file. The next time you do anything ME will realize the file has changed and will use the new file. For instance I have distributed macros that are used by dozens of users and if I change something in the file or change it in th development copy of the file and overwrite the original they do not need to reopen the file.

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I wasn't seeing what you were trying to do because you don't need to do it.


Uhm, :o ah what should i say. I never knew that MEX refer to the file any time it plays a macro. I guess i thought so because i didn´t see the new macros in the explorer although they are there (do work). You have to restart the Macro Explorer! Maybe Insight can change this.


Thanks, once more!




P.S. Is it possible to delete posts?

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Is it possible to delete posts?
No, but it's an understandable mistake and someday someone might read your post with the same problem so it's all good.


I didn't realize changes were not apparent in the explorer. I suggest you report it as a low priority bug to ISS to be repaired someday. I'm sure they had just never considered it, you know?

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I actually compiling a list of "bugs" and features i miss for sending to ISS.


Do you know if somewhere a list of known bugs and features considered to be in the next update already exists?


So, i don´t spam those guys full with stuff they already know or have considered.

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I really wish there was. In the beta program we had access to a list but even that wasn't ideal as it only showed open incidents and I often wasn't satisfied with their 'resolutions'. This is primarily why I started my own page for tracking incidents I started. My problem was that months later they would come back and tell me something was fixed and I couldn't verify it. Now I'm old and my memory is fading so I often found myself thinking "Hmmm. Did I already report this?" But it's also handy because I can write up more verbose descriptions, add screen shots, store samples and even keep demo macros.


But bear in mind that I think the ISS boys are in bug hunting mode and aren't likely to be looking at any new features or enhancements for awhile. But it's still worth getting them on the list.


Oh, one last thing. Dont' worry about 'spamming' ISS with requests that have already been received. The more requests they receive for the same thing the more 'votes' it gets which will make it a higher priority.

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