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Problem with IF Message


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I have a situation that requires that a window remains open if the user hits “yes” and closes either if they hit “no”, or if nothing is typed into the If Message dialog box within a certain length of time. I can make this work if the default button is “no”, but the user wants the default to be yes so that they don’t inadvertently close the program by hitting enter.


I’ve also tried inserting an If Window on Top command to look for the IF Message dialog box still being open after "X" seconds but that didn't work either.


I know there’s probably a simple solution but I’m fairly new at this and can’t seem to get my head around the logic. Also, is there possibly another way to go beside using the If Message dialog box?


Thanks for any help!



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If I understand correctly then you want something like this:

Activate or Launch: "notepad" OR "notepad.exe"
Wait For Window Title: "notepad"

If Message: "Do you want to leave Notepad open?"
 Window Close: "notepad"
End If


Copy this code and paste it into a new macro:

<LAUNCHYES3:0:0112notepad<LAUNCH:notepad.exe><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:notepad><REM2:><IFMESS3:00005:1:1:Do you want to leave Notepad open?Do you want to leave Notepad open?Center:Center><ELSE><WCLS:notepad><ENDIF>

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Kevin, yes except I also need the window to close if there is no user response at all.




If I understand correctly then you want something like this:
Activate or Launch: "notepad" OR "notepad.exe"
Wait For Window Title: "notepad"

If Message: "Do you want to leave Notepad open?"
 Window Close: "notepad"
End If


Copy this code and paste it into a new macro:

<LAUNCHYES3:0:0112notepad<LAUNCH:notepad.exe><WAITWIN2:000010:000000:notepad><REM2:><IFMESS3:00005:1:1:Do you want to leave Notepad open?Do you want to leave Notepad open?Center:Center><ELSE><WCLS:notepad><ENDIF>

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