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Multiple Choice Menu - Aesthetics

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I have several Multiple Choice menus that have 10 options. In ME3, they are stacked vertically. In MEP, they divide at 5 and separate into two columns.


Is there any way to have them display in a single column? I think multiple columns in the Multiple Choice menus take up too much GUI real estate... or maybe they just don't look right to me... either way, I don't like it.


If this is simply the new way of things, then I'll cope; but if it is possible to keep them in a single column, I'd love to learn how.




What I want:



What I get:


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If you check for a recent post of mine we discuss this and the 'rules' of how it works and stacks. But to answer your question you have to live with the 10 at this time. Might want to make a feature request. Many of us are a little frustrated in the way this choice box works.

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If you check for a recent post of mine we discuss this and the 'rules' of how it works and stacks. But to answer your question you have to live with the 10 at this time. Might want to make a feature request. Many of us are a little frustrated in the way this choice box works.

Ah, I thought I had seen something similar to this, but couldn't place it. Thanks for the heads-up and I'll be sure to make the feature request as soon as I can.

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