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Cannot disable while editing

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This seems an obvious design flaw to me. If I'm editing several macros in Script Editor and I want to temporarily disable one of them (which can only be done from ME Pro Explorer), I get the message "The macro is currently being edited. Please use the script editor to make any changes." The only way I can then proceed is to remove that macro from Script Editor, return to Explorer to disable it, then open it in Script Editor again to continue editing. Furthermore, to enable it again so that I can continue testing I have to go through the same rigmarole. Note that this applies even when all current edits for the macro have already been saved.


P.S: My usual shortkey macro to sign off posts failed again for second time in as many hours - once more due to those unreliable 'keyboard hooks' coming unfastened. Anyone else plagued by this?



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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So what is your question Terry? Or are you just on a soapbox?


Well, as I regularly do here, I was

1) Warning others of a problem in case they were unaware of it.

2) Looking for either confirmation or contradiction.

3) Tentatively hoping for a response from ISS.


But I've now formally emailed Support of this, as I regard it as a clear design flaw.



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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FWIW I personally don't see this as aberrant behavior. In a sense both the Explorer and the Script Editor can both modify the macros so just like with files it's probably not a good idea to have two programs modifying the same file at the same time.


Adding to you complaint I reported a bug awhile back where if one changes macro categories in Explorer while open in the Script editor one can overwrite the Explorer changes by doing a save in the script editor. Hmmm... Perhaps they fixed that by adding the code to restrict changes. IOW maybe by bug fix is what you're seeing.

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