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Verifying Internet Connection


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I would appreciate ANY assistance with my problem.


I have a Macro that Disconnects, then Reconnects my Wireless Card (to collect a new IP address).


Problem is sometimes it doesn't disconnect or reconnect properly, and because of this my macro continues on 'assuming' it is connected. So, I need to add a few lines to the macro to 'verify' it is still connected PRIOR to continuing on.


Thanks for any assistance you can provide!


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Can you do the GET IP ADDRESS command before your disconnect, save it in a variable, do it again after the reconnect, and compare to make sure it has changed?


dang you are fast.






Another idea is to use the ping site command. If its connected it will grab a bunch of ping info. If its not connected it will return the variable "Unknown Host"


But either idea should work fine.

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either idea should work fine.

I think I'd try the GET IP ADDRESS first, only because it's almost instantaneous, unlike the ping which could take a second or more. If GET IP ADDRESS turns out to be less than 100 percent reliable, then do the ping in addition to getting the IP, as an extra confirmation.

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I think I'd try the GET IP ADDRESS first, only because it's almost instantaneous, unlike the ping which could take a second or more. If GET IP ADDRESS turns out to be less than 100 percent reliable, then do the ping in addition to getting the IP, as an extra confirmation.


In my testing I noticed the ping command is near instantaneous, but you bring up a good point.



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