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Fixed Variables

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I'm Trying to create a macro to replace certain predefined text with entries in an excel file


for example:


I have 10 predefined symbols located in various places in a text file:


1. #^3

2. %f2

3. @4

4. %8



I would like to add those as fixed variables in the macro but i dont know how?



the macro will simply locate the symbol in a text file, and replace it with an entry that I copied from excel


macro will be :


- go to excel and copy the first entry

- go to text file

- locate predefined symbol "#^3" in text file

- paste the excel entry in the place of the predefined text

- go back to excel and move to second row

- repeat process with second predefined symbol



never used variables before and i read the tutorials but wasnt able to figure out how to work with them, i would appreciate any advice



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Your description isn't clear to me……………………………..

I understand that you have a text file with some values and you want to copy something from Excel and have MEP replace a bit of text in your text file with what you copied. But how will the macro know which to replace? But for the moment I will take a stab at it.


I would first set a variable to the contents of your text file and when you copy from Excel to your clipboard read that in as a variable as well. Then I would simply replace a substring and write it back to file.

Variable Set String set %File Contents% to the contents of c:\somefile.txt
Variable Set String %Clipboard% from the clipboard contents
Variable Modify String: Replace "#^3" in %File Contents% with "%Clipboard%"
Variable Modify String: Save %File Contents% to "c:\somefile.txt"

However the more I think on it I believe you might be going about this all wrong depending on what exactly you are trying to do. If you tell me in general what the task at hand is I might be able to point you in a better direction. One you haven’t thought of yet.

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Variable Set String set %File Contents% to the contents of c:\somefile.txt
Variable Set String %Clipboard% from the clipboard contents
Variable Modify String: Replace "#^3" in %File Contents% with "%Clipboard%"
Variable Modify String: Save %File Contents% to "c:\somefile.txt"

However the more I think on it I believe you might be going about this all wrong depending on what exactly you are trying to do. If you tell me in general what the task at hand is I might be able to point you in a better direction. One you haven’t thought of yet.





Variable Modify String: Replace "#^3" in %File Contents% with "%Clipboard%


that sounds exactly what i was looking for !



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