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I need a Macro Express Professional


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Im helping my friend out trying to get his business to take off. I have used macro express some in the past with reasonable success but his latest project I dont think that I can handle.


It will consist of 20 or so scripts, all of the scripts should be mostly simple.


Macro express goes to a news site.


Macro express extracts specific data from the site.


Macro express dumps the specific data into a spread sheet.


I wouldnt think that this would take more than 3 or 4 hours for someone that is skilled with mex


PM me if you would like any further details of the project.



Thanks everyone!

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I might be able to help you out but the one downside to me is that I would insist on using Macro Express Pro. If that's not a deal breaker feel free to email me cory@bluepointdesign.com or call 760-814-1618.


BTW ME might not be the best tool for the job. Most news is available via RSS and there are some really good aggregates out there that do very similar tasks. Also there are many tools that allow one to directly link to RSS via Access, Excel and other every day programs. I am not an expert in this but I know it would be much more efficient than ME.

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