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Activation by closing window


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I have a program that hides in the systray on clicking the close button and it is not possible to change that from within that program. So I tried to realise it with MacroExpress but I can not find a possibillity to have a macro activated by clicking on a close button. That is what I want. Activate a macro clicking on the close button (which hides the program window) and letting the macro shut of the program. The best thing I found is activation by mouseclick. But that is confined to the whole screen and I need a position related to the actual window I want to close.

Any better ideas?

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It's quite easy to do in the pro version! Personally I would use a hotkey macro to close the window and application. I'm not thrilled about mouse activations since they are always active. We get used to clicking the mouse freely so you need careful thought to avoid unexpected actions. Using a mouse, there are more options than you mentioned:


When activating with (say) a left mouse click, it does not have to be the whole screen. You can specify the active pixel region of the screen with the dialog. You could for example specify a pixel area 20 pixels square in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click in that corner (where the clock usually is) and the macro will run. If you never move the application window, you could specify a relatively small active area around where the close button usually is. Ask if you cannot figure out how to do that, quoting your screen resolution or read my post in this thread mouse click.


That does not help you with windows coordinates, which is a better way to go. You can also click on a window part (2nd radio button in dialog) such as the title bar. Those window part options may be inconvenient.

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Dear John,


Thank you for your suggestion. I will have a look into the Pro version. The other options were known and tried, and of course they are working, but I prefer to have it realised by using that close button on the active window (which happens to be resized and moved frequently). Otherwise I have to remember that in this specific window/program I have to use the titlebar (or a shortkey which I tend to forget too). And if I accidently want to move that window, it closes. I like to keep it simple. The close button it is.

But thank you for your advise.



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Even though I would use a hotkey myself, I can understand your position. I also like to do things with the mouse where possible. Going to the keyboard is a nuisance, however minor. I usually hang on to the mouse with my right hand and choose my important hotkeys to be operable solely with the left eg Alt+Q.


In MEPro, under the activations Window Title, is the choice of "Window is Closed".

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