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Don't forget to report to ISS with more detail.


The first one is not that uncommon (I've had quite a few with Test Run and the Editor). You need to forward the circumstances. The stuck comment on its own is not much help to ISS in debugging. Things do seem to be improving with time.


The second could occur if you accidentally Import a previously saved configuration or restore a Backup but that should be fairly obvious. Enable/disable is manual or could be by macro command. Errant mouse clicks selecting one macro intended to be disabled while having a currently disabled macro also accidentally selected?

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I have already reported that.


I talked to ISS support a week or two about Forrest (running man icon) getting stuck and they are looking into it and I think a bugrep is already rolling. For me it happens mostly when using remote desktop. If I connect to a Terminal Server, disconnect without logging off, a macro runs on that machine while disconnected, and then I reconnect it gets stuck on.

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