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Activation ob marco by focus of certain process

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Can i use the "getting focus of a process" as initial activation of an macro? It sure works with window titles. But there seems no way possible to do similar with .exe, or? It would be so useful!


You can check for the actual processes with logic commands but that is not the same as having it as activation option.


I wonder if i did ask this before? By the way, how can i display the posts i have written so far?


Thank You


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On the search question:


Search > More Search Options > More Options then Leave the keyword field blank and enter your name in the "Filter by User Name" and check the exact box.

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Sorry, i am not an native english speaker. Let me say it like this:


If you work in MS Word the winword.exe has focus. If you type in an MS Outlook window the outlook.exe has focus. I use the contour shuttle V.2 Device for example. It constantly checks for the focus and displays the focused .exe by clicking in the tray. Referring to that .exe it loads different profiles. Think of it like profiles for different games on one of those gaming devices.


I always check carefully options before posting. But the activationsoptions concerning processes are about starting and shutdown processes. This is not of any use, as the processes mentioned above are running constantly.


MEX Help: The Process Event activation method starts a macro when a Process starts or shuts down.


An option like this is important as it saves you from writing lots of windowactivated macros. Outlook is an good example as it spits out lots of windows with various titles.

I hope it is clearer now.


Thanks to Cory, i found my old post. Don´t thinks this true launch bar helps me.


Activation by program



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