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How to Call Imacros from MEP

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Hi All,


I found some threads that say you can call an imacros macro from MEP.


How do you do that?






I wish you hadn't posted that, Ed! Looks a fascinating FF add-on that risks distracting me for much of the morning. ;)


I only installed it a few minutes ago but it seems to me that it should be easy enough to launch a specific Imacro from MEP. The most direct method would be to have the MEP script

1. Test if the Imacros pane was closed and if so open it by clicking on the imacro icon in the FF menu

2. That displays the list of 'Favorites' in the LH pane.

3. Click mouse on 'Favourites' below the green strip.

4. Use TextType to enter the name of the iMacro.

5. Use TextType to press Enter.


But the list of all Imacros is displayed at the click of a mouse, and the chosen macro then run with another click, so that wouldn't significantly improve on the speed.


Maybe you mean: 'Can MEP directly launch the .iim file?'? (Such as for use as a submacro.) If so, perhaps the code in the file can be edited and used in an External Script command?


BTW, these .iim files seem to be triplicated. Here I find them in


C:\Documents and Settings\Terry\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xx..xx.default\extensions\{81BFblahblah...}\samples\Macros

C:\Documents and Settings\Terry\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xx..xx.default\iMacros\Macros



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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I don't know anything about imacros but in ME one can launch a macro from the command line much like any application can. For instance you can launch a Word document by including the name in the word.exe command as a parameter. You might look to see if imacros supports such a thing and try that using the Program Launch command in MEP.

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Hi Guys!


Thanks for the responses!


Sorry for the slow reply.


Yes! I want to launch a specific iim file. That would be ultimate.


So Terry, for a FF plugin that could be run on a schedule or when a specific event occurs?





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I don't know anything about imacros but in ME one can launch a macro from the command line much like any application can. For instance you can launch a Word document by including the name in the word.exe command as a parameter. You might look to see if imacros supports such a thing and try that using the Program Launch command in MEP.


Hi Cory,


I tried to launch via command line in Firefox, but it doesn't work or (more likely) I have no cllue how to do it!





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Ed I'm not your personal research assistant, look it up! ;-) I don't use FF or iMacros so I have no clue how to do it, I just know it's likely that is supports this functionality. Also this might be better directed to a forum dedicated to iMacros, not MEP. I explained how to do it on the MEP side, now you need to figure out how to do it on the iMacros side.


I did a quick Google search and found that it does have a command line interface but it sounds like it's a feature of the iMacros Pro product. But a quick search of their forum suggest that the syntax looks something like this: ""C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" http://run.imacros.net/?m=Demo-FillForm.iim". Again I don't know how to use the application so I don't know how this works but in this instance the user was launching an iMacros macro from the command line.


Nice to learn there's an automation utility for FF. Good luck with it.

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