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Text not typing...

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Hi folks,

Since updating a few days ago (from the 4151 to 4161) a couple of my macros don't work.

Below is one of my most used ones for work (I tookout the personal info). It collects info from dialogs, assings the info to variables, then types out the appropriate bit of text. The dialogs seem to pop up correctly, but the text never types... I thought the macro might be corrupt, so I copy-n-pasted its contents for a new macro and it still doesn't work. Oddly, I created a mini-version of the same macro, with one dialog and one variable, that types out the response, and the mini macro does work. I'll post both below, but it's the long (bottom) one that im really interested in...

Would someone please copy the code into a variable, then run it in Notepad and see if it works? Thanks :)


=========MINI ONE=============


<MULTIPLE CHOICE MENU Style="\x00" Result="\x00" Dest="%Sample1%" Prompt="choose" Options="one\r\ntwo" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Width="443" Height="296" OnTop="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="You chose %Sample1%. "/>


========AND THIS IS THE BIG ONE=============



<COMMENT Value="=== Gets student name and gender and type of notice, then passes =====//"/>

<COMMENT Value="=== it to the appropriate variables to make a customized notice.=======//"/>

<COMMENT Value="================================================//"/>

<COMMENT Value="=== Get type of notice ===//"/>

<MULTIPLE CHOICE MENU Style="\x00" Result="\x01" Dest="%txtNotice%" Title="Type of Notice" Prompt="What is the written notice for?" Options="Re&ferral\r\nEval_Complete_&Qualifies\r\nEval_Complete_&DNQ\r\nUpcomming_&Reeval\r\nReeval_&Complete_Qualifies\r\n&Manny\r\n&Transfer" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Width="443" Height="296" OnTop="FALSE"/>

<COMMENT Value="=== Get name and gender ===//"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x01" Destination="%txtName%" Prompt="Enter Student's Name" Mask="FALSE" OnTop="FALSE" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0"/>

<MULTIPLE CHOICE MENU Style="\x00" Result="\x01" Dest="%txtSex%" Title="Male or Female?" Prompt="Is the Written Notice for a boy or a girl?" Options="&male\r\n&female" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Width="443" Height="296" OnTop="FALSE"/>

<COMMENT Value="== Assign appropriate gender ===//"/>

<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtSex%" Condition="\x00" Value="&male" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHeShe%" Value="he"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHimHer%" Value="him"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHisHer%" Value="his"/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtSex%" Condition="\x00" Value="&female" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHeShe%" Value="she"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHimHer%" Value="her"/>

<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x00" Destination="%txtHisHer%" Value="her"/>


<COMMENT Value="=== Choose which office ===//"/>

<MULTIPLE CHOICE MENU Style="\x00" Result="\x01" Dest="%txtSchool%" Title="Which Office" Prompt="Which office is the contact point %txtName%'s parent?" Options="&Suq\r\n&Vin" Left="Center" Top="Center" Monitor="0" Width="443" Height="296" OnTop="FALSE"/>

<COMMENT Value="=== type the notice ===//"/>

<WAIT FOR WINDOW TITLE Title=" (Remote)" Partial="TRUE" Wildcards="FALSE" Indefinite="FALSE" Hours="0" Minutes="2" Seconds="0"/>

<DELAY Flags="\x01" Time="2"/>

<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="Re&ferral" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This notice is to let you know that %txtName% has been made a focus of concern in regard to possible eligibility for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) through the department of special education.\r\n<TAB>With your written permission we will do testing to see if %txtName% meets Wa State eligibility. The permission form is valid for 35 school days from the time it is received, but we try to complete the evaluations sooner when possible. Please confirm on the attached 'Parent Consent' form whether you DO or DO NOT give permission for this eligibility evaluation and sign, then return it.\r\n<TAB>We could postpone %txtHisHer% evaluation to see if %txtHeShe% will start to improve without intervention.\r\n<TAB>It is believed that an evaluation is warranted at this time.\r\n<TAB>Report from staff and/or parents indicates that %txtName% has an apparent need for additional supports.\r\n<TAB>(1) This Notice might be redundant if we've already discussed it, but NKSD is still required to provide it.\r\n(2) The evaluation usually involves one or two hours of private testing during the school day as well as progress reports from teachers and staff.\r\n(3) If you have updated information that is relevant to the eligibility evaluation, please try to contact me.\r\n(4) When the eval is complete we'll need to have a meeting to go over the results. This meeting can be a telephone conference if that is most convenient for you. If %txtName% does qualify, we'll need to write an IEP for %txtHimHer%. You will need to then sign the IEP before any official special education services can begin.\r\n(5) Please call if you have any questions. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="Eval_Complete_&Qualifies" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This notice is to let you know that %txtName%'s evaluation is complete and the results indicate that %txtHeShe% meets Wa State eligibility requirements for an Individualized Education Program (IEP).\r\n<TAB>This is based on the recent evaluation that was done for %txtHimHer%. Note that %txtHeShe% won't actually qualify untill we meet and go over the eval results.\r\n<TAB>This part of the form doesn't apply. We just need to go over the results and see about developing an IEP.\r\n<TAB>Not applicable.\r\n<TAB>Based on %txtName%'s evaluation.\r\n<TAB>(1) This Notice might be redundant if we've already discussed it, but NKSD is still required to provide it.\r\n(2) Please call if you have any questions. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="Eval_Complete_&DNQ" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This notice is to let you know that %txtName%'s evaluation is complete and the results indicate that %txtHeShe% does not meet eligibility as a special education student.\r\n<TAB>This is based on the (attached) evaluation report.\r\n<TAB>No other options are applicable, based on the above information.\r\n<TAB>Not applicable.\r\n<TAB>Based on %txtName%'s evaluation.\r\n<TAB>(1) This Notice might be redundant if we've already discussed it, but NKSD is still required to provide it.\r\n(2)%txtName%'s potential eligibility can be revisited at a future time if appropriate.\r\n(3)Please call if you have any questions. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="Upcomming_&Reeval" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This notice is to let you know that it's time to do %txtName%'s triennial re-evaluation.\r\n<TAB>Students who have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are required to have re-evaluations at least every three years to determine their current areas of need and what changes should be made to their IEPs. Please sign %txtName%'s attached permission form and we'll get started on the re-eval.\r\n<TAB>This is required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) law so there weren't any other options considered.\r\n<TAB>Not applicable.\r\n<TAB>This is based on our records.\r\n<TAB>(1) This Notice might be redundant if we've already discussed it, but NKSD is still required to provide it.\r\n(2) The re-eval usually involves one or two hours of private testing during the school day as well as progress reports from teachers and staff.\r\n(3) If you have updated information that is relevant to the re-eval, please try to contact me.\r\n(4) When the eval is complete we'll need to have a meeting to go over the results. This meeting can be a telephone conference if that is most convenient for you.\r\n(5) Please call if you have any questions. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="Reeval_&Complete_Qualifies" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This notice is to let you know that %txtName%'s reevaluation is complete and the results indicate that %txtHeShe% continues to meet Wa State eligibility requirements for an Individualized Education Program (IEP).\r\n<TAB>This is based on the recent reevaluation that was done for %txtHimHer%.\r\n<TAB>This part of the form doesn't apply.\r\n<TAB>Not applicable.\r\n<TAB>Based on %txtName%'s attached reevaluation.\r\n<TAB>(1) This Notice might be redundant if we've already discussed it, but NKSD is still required to provide it.\r\n(2) Please call if you have any questions. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="&Manny" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This is to notify you that we need to do a \"manifestation determination\" for %txtName%.\r\n<TAB>These are required by law when a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) gets removed from school for long periods due to discipline problems. The purpose is to determine if the discipline problems are caused by (i.e. a manifestation of) the disability and if any changes need to be made %txtHisHer% Individual Education Program (IEP).\r\n<TAB> It's required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) law, so no other options were applicable.\r\n<TAB> Not applicable.\r\n<TAB> This is based on %txtName%'s recent disciplinary information.\r\n<TAB> (1) This form might be redundant if we've already discussed this, but we are still required to provide it.\r\n(2) Please call if you have any questions. Note that we can also do meetings via telephone if it's more convenient. "/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtNotice%" Condition="\x00" Value="&Transfer" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="This \"Notice of Action\" is the NKSD's official notice to you that we have confirmed %txtName%'s eligibility for Individualized Education Program (IEP) services and will provide the services here.\r\n<TAB>This is based on the transfer paperwork from %txtHisHer% previous school.\r\n<TAB>No other actions are relevant because the transfer paperwork indicates that %txtHeShe% is eligible for the IEP services.\r\n<TAB>None.\r\n<TAB>This is based on the above-mentioned paperwork.\r\n<TAB>This notice may be redundant if we've already discussed the information, but NKSD is still required to provide it. Please call if you have any questions, "/>


<WAIT FOR TEXT PLAYBACK Indefinite="FALSE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="2"/>

<COMMENT Value="===Put the signature for chosen office ===//"/>

<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtSchool%" Condition="\x00" Value="&Suq" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="Stephen K..........."/>


<IF VARIABLE Variable="%txtSchool%" Condition="\x00" Value="&Vin" IgnoreCase="FALSE"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text="Stephen K.................."/>


<WAIT FOR TEXT PLAYBACK Indefinite="FALSE" Hours="0" Minutes="0" Seconds="2"/>

<COMMENT Value="=== Type \"thanks\" at the end ============//"/>

<TEXT TYPE Action="0" Text=" Thanks."/>


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Would someone please copy the code into a variable, then run it in Notepad and see if it works?

They both worked for me on Macro Express Pro v


I had to make sure that the titlebar of my notepad window contained ' (Remote)'. Note the space in front of the (. You may need to adjust this line:

Wait for Window Title:  (Remote)

Did the title of the window you're typing into change?

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Did the title of the window you're typing into change?


Yes! Thanks very much Kevin! The chage happened at the same time I installed the newest ME, so I assumed causation. I had two macros stop working and they were both for the same reason!

(also ps: I typed another reply to this, but my connection hick-ups and lost it... Appologies if they both post)

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They both worked for me on Macro Express Pro v


I had to make sure that the titlebar of my notepad window contained ' (Remote)'. Note the space in front of the (. You may need to adjust this line:

Wait for Window Title:  (Remote)

Did the title of the window you're typing into change?


Same here, with same proviso about the window title (TextPad in my case).



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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