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Sending Keystrokes To A Dos App


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As a new user, I'm starting off by sending keystrokes to an old DOS app, running in a window (not full screen).


Despite the KnowledgeBase assertion that this cannot be done, it does work, but... the processing of each keystroke is incredibly slow. Is there any guidance available to make this work better? Any particular PIF settings, Windows settings?


I've considered resurrecting an old DOS keyboard macro Prokeys, for defined, short sequences of keystrokes, but I need the logic of ME and the ability to cut the text screen to the Win clipboard, and instruct ME to logic branch based on communication via clipboard or INI variables with a master controlling Windows app. (I want to use the Win app to control the DOS app via ME, and the DOS app to communicate back to the Win app via ME's use of clipboard and INI vars).


Using WinXP Pro.


Thanks in advance.


Ted Craven

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Hi All, and thanks for reading (and posting, floyd).


I solved my problem entirely (so far) by using a piece of sofware called 'Tame' from TameDOS, www.tamedos.com.


It manages DOS and 16 bit Windows apps and prevents them from hogging almost all of the CPU. My DOS app now runs as quickly like a windows app and ME keystrokes automate it completely and smoothly.







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