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Wait for Key press


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I will make a script, with a command wait for keypress (wait 2 minutes and 30 secounds). After time elapse, macroexpress is aborting.

Is it possible, that macro express wait for this time and after no key was pressed, that macro will continue ?


Thx in advance and best greetings !

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I will make a script, with a command wait for keypress (wait 2 minutes and 30 secounds). After time elapse, macroexpress is aborting.

Is it possible, that macro express wait for this time and after no key was pressed, that macro will continue ?


Thx in advance and best greetings !


You can do this in a round about way. The script would look something like:


Repeat Until N1=150

Increment N1

Wait 1 Second

Repeat End

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  • 5 weeks later...

You can do this in a round about way. The script would look something like:


Repeat Until N1=150

Increment N1

Wait 1 Second

Repeat End


Thank you ! I had found a better way until wait for keypress while programm is running:


Variable set integer %N1% to 0

Repeat Until %N1% = 1

Delay 5 secounds

Text type <F12>

If windows Title "save as" is on top


End if

Repeat End


So macro continues without keypress automaticly. If programm is finish "save as window" will be appear.

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