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Detect missing section/key in ini file

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I am setting a variable from a Section/Key in an ini file and am trying to detect if either the Section or the Key is missing from the file (as opposed to being present but containing a blank value).


There are five "On Error" conditions in "Set Value from INI file", but none of them seem to be related to detecting missing Section/Key.



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Pretty simple. Create a test variable and set to the contents of the file. Then check if it contains the strings representing the sections an parameters.

[b]Quasi code:[/b]
Variable Set to ASCII Char 10 to %LF%
Variable Set to ASCII Char 13 to %CR%
Variable Set String %Section% to "[some Section]"
Variable Set String %Parameter% to "%CR%%LF%Some Parameter="
Variable Set String %Test% to contents of c:\test.ini
If Variable %Test% contains %Section%
If Variable %Test% contains %Parameter%
Jump in the creek
Give the user an error

CRLF (Carriage Return/Line Feed) is just there to make sure your parameter stars with end of line from the previous line. So in case you search for "Floyd=" and there is a parameter named "Pink Floyd="

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