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Waitfor Webpage for Firefox ?

Jonny Quick

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I use ME to do stuff with browsers. I personally prefer IE for general use, but for the stuff I do with Macros, Firefox is way better. I'd be 100% Firefox except ME doesn't have a "Waitfor Webpage" for Firefox.


Is there a technical reason for this ? If not, I would think most ME users would prefer FF over IE.


Could this happen ? Is this avaialable in the Pro version ?

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I have spent a fair amount of time figuring out ways to determine when a Firefox page has loaded. I have not found a single solution that works on every web page under all conditions. The best of the solutions are not 100% foolproof, but are good enough. Most of these macros monitor pixel colour changes; others monitor changes in the shape of the mouse cursor. A few do both.


Note that the wait for IE webpage command is not 100% reliable, either. JavaScript and AJAX appear to throw off the timing. So even when I script for IE, I am usually forced to add a time delay.

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Note that the wait for IE webpage command is not 100% reliable, either. JavaScript and AJAX appear to throw off the timing. So even when I script for IE, I am usually forced to add a time delay.

AFAIK, the AutoIt IE code does handle javascript correctly. It's certainly very comprehensive.

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