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Can you launch a web page in a new window pop up with set sizes ?


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Can you make macro express launch a webpage in a new window with a set size ?


I can launch the webpage (using Firefox) and it will jump into a tab..


I need it to start in it's own window and be like 400 x 400 or something like that


Is it possible.



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This macro will open up a new window in Firefox, launch a web page and resize the window:


Program Launch: "firefox.exe""
Wait For Window Title: "Mozilla Firefox"
Delay 0.2 Seconds
Text Type: <ALTD>d<ALTU>
Delay 0.3 Seconds
Text Type: www.macros.com
Text Type: <ENTER>
Wait For Window Title: "Macro Express – Macros for your Windows Automation Needs - Mozilla Firefox"
Delay 0.2 Seconds
Window Resize: Macro Express – Macros for your Windows Automation Needs - Mozilla Firefox - (Width: 400, Height: 400)

To write this macro I first thought about how I would do it manually and then replicated those steps using macro commands. I do not know how to open a web page without the header and address bars. Perhaps you can find some keyboard shortcuts to hide those items.


To experiment with this macro copy the following and paste it into a macro:


<LAUNCHDEL2:0:01"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"><WAITWIN2:000001:000000:Mozilla Firefox><DELAY:0.2><TEXTTYPE:<ALTD>d<ALTU>><DELAY:0.3><TEXTTYPE:www.macros.com><TEXTTYPE:<ENTER>><WAITWIN2:000001:000000:Macro Express – Macros for your Windows Automation Needs - Mozilla Firefox><DELAY:0.2><WSIZE:00400,00400Macro Express – Macros for your Windows Automation Needs - Mozilla Firefox

You will need to change the path in the Program Launch command, the web page URI and you may need to adjust the delays depending on your computer and internet speed.

Edited by kevin
Rewritten with Macro Express 3 macro
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