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Set Variable On A Repeat... Addtl Variables


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I am building a macro that will log a customer billed amount for an entire history into an excel spreadsheet. I will have the Macro pull up the most current month, find the amount, and log that into %T10%. I then have it issue a command to go back 1 month and do the same. Here is where I am having issues... I want to set that next amount to %T11%... and repeat the process until there are no more invoices to go back to (if there is another previous month, set that to %T12% and keep going until screen contains "requested bill not found"). This will run in a loop for multiple accounts on a spreadsheet. Problem is that each account will have a different amount of invoices going back... 1 account could only have 2 invoices (so only T10 and T11), but some may go back 30 months. Is there a way to create the new varialbes without having to write them all out? I don't want to have to write code out to set 100 variables so that, just in case, I am covered for all months... I want it to only set the new variable IF there is a previous bill... and continue to do so until there are no more invoices. After each account's history has been logged, those figures will be input into a spreadsheet and the variables will be cleared... but I need to log up to a possible 36 or so (3 years).

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I only see one solution :

1) create a small macro for ONE month with %T10%

2) see how it looks like in the "direct editor" window : you should see %T10% somewhere (or at several places)


now you can dynamically create the same macro (as in step 2) in variable %T1% for any %Tx% by replacing all these %T10% by %T%N1%% for instance, where %N1% is incremented for every month, beginning with 10 ... you'll launch this dynamic macro with the Run Macro in Variable %T1% command


schematically (sorry I don't have time to produce real ME code) :



loop on months

set %T1% with your "template" in which %T10% is replaced with %T%N1%%

run macro in variable %T1%

increment %N1%

end loop on months

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Nicolas has it right. Here is an example that you can run:

// Set the counter (placeholder for the next string).
Variable Set Integer %N10% to 10

// Infinite loop
Repeat Until %N1% <> %N1%
 // Increment the next string placeholder (T11 through T46)
 Variable Modify Integer: Inc (%N10%)
 // Set a string to a random character to use as an example.
 // This would actually be a string that holds this month's data.
 Variable Set String %T1% to Random Letter
 // Exit the loop if the random character is a "Z" or if we have filled 36 string variables
 // This would actually be: Exit if no more months found or if we have gone back 36 months.
 If Variable %T1% = "Z"
 If Variable %N10% > 46
   Repeat Exit
 End If
 // Copy the current string to the next placeholder string
 Variable Set String %T2% "<TMVAR2:09:%N10%:01:000:000:>"
 Run Macro in Variable %T2%
Repeat End

<REM2:Set the counter (placeholder for the next string).><IVAR2:10:01:10><REM2:><REM2:Infinite loop><REP3:08:000002:000002:0001:1:01:N1><REM2:><REM2:Increment the next string placeholder (T11 through T46)><NMVAR:08:10:0:0000001:0:0000000><REM2:><REM2:Set a string to a random character to use as an example.><REM2:This would actually be a string that holds this month's data.><TVAR2:01:12:><REM2:><REM2:Exit the loop if the random character is a "Z" or if we have filled 36 string variables><REM2:This would actually be: Exit if no more months found or if we have gone back 36 months.><IFVAR2:1:01:1:TZ><OR><IFVAR2:2:10:4:T46><EXITREP><ENDIF><REM2:><REM2:Copy the current string to the next placeholder string><TVAR2:02:01:<TMVAR2:09:%N10%:01:000:000:>><RUNMACVAR:2><REM2:><ENDREP>

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