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How to get a user selected folder and folder path into a variable?

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As a beginner I might have overlooked something, but so far I have managed to ge ME to work on files in a specific folder by giving the command "Repeat with Folder" a predefined folder path and folder name. This works great!


I now wonder if it would be possible to within a macro PROMT the user for a folder (and implicit a folder path) and store this information i a variable to be used with "Repeat with Folder" for example?


The ideal thing would be to have some command that says "Get Folder" which presents a dialogue box for the user with a Browse-button and a text that says something like: "Please browse to the Folder which you would like to have processed."


The user then clicks the Browse-button and navigates down to any folder, highlights this and clicks OK. The Folder Name and Folder Path is then stored in two variables of choice...


Is this possible?





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To have the macro prompt the user for a folder use the Variable Set String %Folder%: Prompt for a foldername command. To split a file path into separate parts (drive, path, file name, extension) use the Variable Set From File path command. You can then combine the separate parts of the file name using the individual variables.

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To have the macro prompt the user for a folder use the Variable Set String %Folder%: Prompt for a foldername command. To split a file path into separate parts (drive, path, file name, extension) use the Variable Set From File path command. You can then combine the separate parts of the file name using the individual variables.


Thank you so much for your kind and quick help!

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