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Entering Data Via Direct Editor


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Due to complexity I've created a vbScript that creates a text file containing all the scripting needed to complete a process. I then manually copy the data from the text file and paste it into the Direct Editor screen, and then execute the macro in Macro Express 3.7d. The macro works great, just looking for a solution to eliminate the manual process of having to copy and paste the script from the text file to Direct Editor screen of Marco Express.


My goal is to create a scheduled process of executing the vbScript and then the Marco Express macro.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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For which part of this process do you need suggestions? None of this looks particularly difficult - as a last resort you could record the keystrokes you use when you do this manually. My advice is always to use menus if possible, e.g. to invoke the direct editor you could locate the icon and click on it, or (in Macro Express Pro) you can use the menu option View.


I have written many macros that manipulate Macro Express itself, and most of these have been relatively straight-forward.

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Paul -


Thanks for the reply. Sorry, should have been more clear in what I was hoping to accomplish.


Looking for a way to have Macro Express read a text file for the script portion of the Marco (i.e. what is entered into the Direct Editor).


Current Steps in My Process:

1. Execute vbScript, that creates Macro Express scripting language in a text file

2. Manually open text file, select all, copy, and close text file

3. Switch to Macro Express, open the Direct Editor window, and paste contents of text file

4. Ctrl-B (hot keys) to start Macro Express macro


New Process I'd Like:

1. Execute vbScript, that creates Macro Express scripting language in a text file

2. Execute schedule Macro Express macro which reads script from text file and executes macro


Thanks Again!

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Have you thought about loading the ME macro into a variable and using the Run Macro In Variable command? In ME3, this command works exceedingly well, whereas be warned that it's almost completely useless in ME4 (ME Pro) because Insight never thought about the design of this feature and forgor to implement user variables correctly in this feature!


I have loaded variables and run macros from them of considerable length and complexity in ME3 with great success.

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I would try the Load Macro Text File command. Have your vbscript write to a text file. Create a macro that does not change and contains the Load Macro Text File command. Set it to run the macro in the text file created by your vbscript. The macro can be activated either via a hotkey or by calling meproc.exe with a /aTextMacro parameter.


This would be much faster and more reliable than using the Direct Editor user interface.

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