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ME triggers in Windows 7 SP1

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I am trying to see if there is a known issue with Macro Express on a Windows 7 SP1 machine.


My company currently uses Windows XP and we are slowly transitioning everyone over to Windows 7. Macro Express is our current standard and we have plans to move to Macro Express in the future.


On XP and Windows 7 all macros work perfectly fine, but testing on multiple machines with Windows 7 SP1 all triggers have stopped working (both hotkey and shortkey, although scheduled ones seem to kick off fine).


Are there any known issues with the keystroke recording that Macro Express uses that could be causing this?

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I am trying to see if there is a known issue with Macro Express on a Windows 7 SP1 machine.

Yes, there are many known issues. Macro Express v is not certified to work on Windows 7 (SP1 or otherwise) or even Windows Vista.


If you need to continue to use Macro Express 3 during the transition to Macro Express Pro you should use the latest version, Macro Express v


we have plans to move to Macro Express in the future.

Please consider moving to the latest version of Macro Express Pro. There have been 71 changes to Macro Express Pro since v was released. And we are working on a new version to be released soon that will include many more changes. Many of these changes affect stability.

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