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saved copied text in ctrl+1/+2 etc and paste with Alt+1/2etc


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HI all.


I'm trying to do the following.


We have alot of people that have different tasks each day.


Some days are boring and it's a standard reply needed to a customer.


At the start of a day one of the staff would like to be able to add there auto replies to a macro.. But not via macro express.. I'll try explain


1: They highlight the reply ( from notepad - text only)

2: While highlighted they press CTRL+1 ( copied text is saved )

3: To paste this copied text they press ALT+1,


the reason for not using the normal copy and paste CTRL+c and CTRL+v is they have many auto replies . (6-7) that they would like to save in ctrl+1/2/3/4/5/6 and paste with ALT+1/2/3/4/5/6


these replies would be different for each person/each day.. So going into macro express and just added each reply to CTRL+1 wont work. we need to be able to change these on the fly.


So if you have one reply set in CTRL+1 and you need to change it you can just highlight you new text and press CTRL+1 and you have a new reply stored in ALT+1


Is that clear ?.. sorry i hope it is.



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I've run into a problem.


I dont know why after like 20 minutes all the saved info get erased !!


I save stuff in CTRL+1/2/3 and it does save as i use it for a while.. then after about 20 minutes it's gone.. I can't pin point a key/action i'm pressing or doing to removed the saved data...


Any ideas?

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  • 4 months later...

I've run into a problem.


I dont know why after like 20 minutes all the saved info get erased !!


I save stuff in CTRL+1/2/3 and it does save as i use it for a while.. then after about 20 minutes it's gone.. I can't pin point a key/action i'm pressing or doing to removed the saved data...


Any ideas?

The only way I've found to get around this is to have the macro save the variable to a text file for later retrieval using the "Variable Modify String" command and under the "Option 2" tab select the "Save to Text File" radial button and define a location then have the paste macros refer to those text files using the "Variable Set String" command. Macro Express will only keep a variable in active memory while that macro is currently running and since your CTRL+1 or 2 or 3 and your ALT+1 or 2 or 3 are separate macros, they would lose all variable information after the macro completes.

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