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Using SharePoint DFS Share for Shared Macro File

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I'd like to store my shared macro file on a SharePoint DFS share. This works fine, but only if I've accessed the share via a program other than ME first. If I reboot and check ME, the shared file isn't loaded. If I go to \\server\share via Windows Explorer and then reload Macro Express, it loads the shared file without problem.


I got a Process Monitor log while launching Macro Express and I see it trying to hit the share. The result is BAD NETWORK NAME.


Has anyone else seen this particular issue?


Macro Express seems to be using the GetFileAttributesW API when this happens, and according to the docs on that API, the error I see would result if you use this API to access the share without specifying a subfolder, but that doesn't apply in this case. ME is using \\sharepoint\sites\mysite\mex\macros.mex for the path.


I know this is a fringe issue, but just hoping that maybe someone might have an idea of what's going on.





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No clue on the exact SP problem but maybe as a work around you could have your macro do a hidden directory command from a command prompt to wake it up. No clue what the real fix would be.

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Thanks, Cory. The problem is that I have no macro if I can't load the macro file. :) I'm also a bit hesitant to do that since I might encounter other problems along the way. It seems that whatever ME is doing to access the file isn't compatible with SharePoint's SSO authentication mechanism. I think the best option is to use a non-DFS share outside of the SharePoint environment.



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