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Can Mex Pro handle multiple windows (with same name)?

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For customersupport we use Teamviewer.


If the customer uses more than one monitor we use the new feature "Open each monitor in seperate window". Unfortunately Teamviewer does name those windows identical.


For manipulating those windows i need to address them. What i want is a macro which minimizes those windows or activates them again.


I tried Repeat with windows command but MEX Pro seems not be able to minimize, activate all windows. It only works with just one. A workaround would be that MEX Pro checks for windowstatus before proceeding. But i don´t think MEX is able to notice if a window is minimized or maximized, can it?


Thank You


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This is a common problem. There was a feature added awhile back to allow one to 'address' the windows by their handle. I haven't played with it much but you might check into that.

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Oh, there is stuff MEX can´t do? :(


So is AutoIt a good addendum to MEX und can i automate AutoIt actions from MEX?

BTW, in the category Macro Control you can find the command "External Script". Can i do similar stuff there? I don´t know Visual Basic yet.


I just installed Autoit. It looks pretty complex. It´s a kind of basicbased macrosoftware, right?


Thank You


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