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Second Keyboard for activating macros

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I use MEX so intense that it is hard to remember all those fancy keyboard shortcuts. :)


Sometimes i just want to plug a second keyboard in which starts a macro by typing a standard alphakey like "A" . You can actually assign "A" as a hotkey for a macro although i think not many do this. :D


For this to work MEX should be able to distinguish between different (USB) input-keyboards and those input devices should be selectable in the Activations menu. It would be nice two have a second affordable keyboard where you can activate the macros with one key.


I don´t think this is possible yet, but it maybe nice to have this option in the future if windows allows "distinguishing keyboards" at all. :wacko:


Thank You


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I don't think one would ever be able to distinguish between keyboards as you suggest. However your desire is nothing new and in a way what you want already exists. Gamers have a similar complaint so the industry created gaming pads. They are essentially ancillary specialized keyboards that allow quick access to certain keyboard commands. As I understand it they can run software that one defines keyboard functions and some can even be programmed externally (In the pad itself) to playback keystroke sequences.


Also don't forge that a lot of modern keyboards have all these additional function buttons for quick access to email and such. In many of these you can customize the app it launches and in those cases you could have it do a command line launch of a macro.

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I use those Gamepads sometimes already. They work exakty like you say. I just thought it would be so much easier if MEX could use any input device for activations.


Every input device is listed in the hardwaremanager/HID (System settings). But as you say it does not seem possible to channel inputs from those devices as windows (7) is not able to recognize a difference if e.g. an "A" is pressed here or there.


Thank You


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