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Ftp Navigation And Stuff


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I saw plenty of FTP commands in here and got really excited. Per a previous post regarding combo list post, I want to do some stuff by FTP but am confounded by the lack of options like the ability to browse. Has anyone every written any basic ‘how to’ articles on how to do this in ME? Or can you offer any suggestion on how I might be able to do some of these things?

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Hi again,


I use FTP only occasionally; to upload photos and screen shots!

I use "FileZilla", and there are no doubt lots of FTP programs that allow browsing.

In ME, I use FTP which I have set up manually just for occasional repetitive procedures, and not extensively enough to find it a frustration. I guess such could be written; but not a high priority for me personally; perhaps the other guys have it in my with their Web gear?....

Best, Randall

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