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Terminate And Reload To Get Text To Type


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since upgrading to current version, when using any macro similar to below, I must terminate ME, and reload to get the macro to function.

It hangs at the "Wait for Left Mouse Click"

I have tried taking out the wait for window title.... no effect.

Just reloading the macro file also does not fix the problem. I must terminate ME completely, then reload, and all is well...for awhile.


Any ideas? Thanks



Web Site: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/re...on/register.jsp [Default Browser]

Text Box Display: Click mouse in USER ID box

Wait For Window Title: "dallas"

Wait Left Mouse Click

Encrypted Text

Text Type: <TAB>

Delay 0.5 Seconds

Encrypted Text

Text Type: <ENTER>

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I gather you are saying this works at times, then stops?

Kevin may be away, so pribably no Insight people on this list at present?

I suspect you may need to talk to the Insight people direct? - find contacts on the ME3 site; I have not had to do that; good luck!

Best, Randall

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Welcome to the group Steve!


Not sure by your example which option you are using for the Text Box Display command. If you are using the Box remains until user clicks on "OK" button option then that is the problem. Macro Express is in a wait state until the display box disappears and will not see the Wait Left Mouse Click command. Instead, use the Floating Box until "Close Box" command or end of macro option in conjunction with the Close Text Box option. Like so:


Web Site: http://www.your_web_site.com/default.html [Default Browser - Wait to load]
Text Box Display: 
Wait Left Mouse Click
Text Box Close: 
Keystroke Speed: 25 Milliseconds
Text Type: yourname<TAB>yourpassword<ENTER>
Keystroke Speed: 0 Milliseconds

             Click Mouse in the "Name" field><WAITLM:000010000000><TBCLOSE:><SPKEY:0025><TEXTTYPE:yourname<TAB>yourpassword<ENTER>><SPKEY:0000>

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Well...it isn't the wait for OK in text box. I took out the text box altogether.


This...and all of the macros similar to it...work the first time I load ME.

If I terminate ME, and reload it, it works again.

But if I leave ME open, SOMETHING makes this not function. It opens thw website, but hangs when you Left Mouse Click, it just hangs the macro. Does not fill in the text, and leaves the little runningguy icon going in the tray.


Terminate ME completely, reload and it works again.




Web Site: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/re...on/register.jsp [Default Browser]

Wait Left Mouse Click

Encrypted Text

Text Type: <TAB>

Delay 0.5 Seconds

Encrypted Text

Text Type: <ENTER>

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If you can ignore the apparent bug for the present, I am aware that the problem was generated while trying to Login to a WebSite; there is the question of trying Joe's Web Login macro;

Login Automatically To Web Sites - the macro below should work stand-alone, having been generated by Joe's;

Attached is my generated Login for your Dallas site, for interest.


Alternatively, you could use my WebLogin by the wizard (see link in my signature), which also works for Hotmail and Yahoo, as well as here and iframe sites [still not for most banks etc] [and allows ME usual text encryption, as well as an option to leave part of password to fill in, instead] [Parameter5 gives option of naming the first link to click when site starts up too] [just change the username and passwords in encrypted text to use your own, though works as it stands with mine] -THIS ONE ONLY WORKS if you have the wizard in the ME3 directory as well as the playable macro!


Best, Randall


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Thanks for your reply. Your macro works but I am still curious as to why mine fails. I also use Firefox rather than IE.

Again, this works for some time, then fails until I terminate and reloac ME.


I have taken out the encrypted text and replaced with a new temporary login/password.


Here is the new macro. Default Browser is Firefox 1.0.6 But I also tried setting this to IE and the problem remained the same.


Web Site: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/re...on/register.jsp [Default Browser]

Text Box Display: Click mouse in USER ID box

Wait Left Mouse Click

Text Type: tcmdal@hotmail.com

Text Type: <TAB>

Delay 0.5 Seconds

Text Type: passtry

Text Type: <ENTER>


And the text from the macro...


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Strangely, I reproduced the problem (partly!) on another computer where I had not installed 3.5d fully (just had the new exe file, but not installed!).

This machine the macro Always! seized up; fixed by re-installing.

Have you done that?

Otherwise, it is probably an installation setup problem, I would guess, and you might need a techno person at Insight to help.

Best, Randall

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I want to start out by saying I like your macro. The idea of clicking in the box where the login information should begin is great. I am going to adopt that technique for several of my macros.


I recreated your macro and signed up for the Dallas Morning News. It works every time for me so we must be doing something different. When you try this a second time are you sure there are no other windows with 'dallas' in the name? If there were, it could explain this behavior. The Wait for Window Title command will continue if any window with "dallas" in the name is visible/on top.


Regarding the Text Box Display command: I like your idea of displaying a Text Box as a prompt. However, as Joe points out, you don't want the Text Box that requires an 'OK'. But, if you use the Floating Box option it works well. I would put a Text Box Close after the Wait Left Mouse Click, like this:

Web Site: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/registration/register.jsp [Default Browser]
Text Box Display: Click in the login field
Wait For Window Title: "dallas"
Wait Left Mouse Click
Text Box Close: Click in the login field
Encrypted Text
Text Type: <TAB>
Delay 0.5 Seconds
Encrypted Text
Text Type: <ENTER>

I also found it best to select 'Always on Top' and unselect 'Keep Focus' inside the Text Box Display command.


How were you able to determine that it hangs on the Wait for Mouse Click command? What I like to do is to play a .wav file between each command. Then I can tell which macro command was executed. Perhaps something like this:

Web Site: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/registration/register.jsp [Default Browser]
Text Box Display: Click in the login field
Sound Wave File: 1.wav
Wait For Window Title: "dallas"
Sound Wave File: 2.wav
Wait Left Mouse Click
Sound Wave File: 3.wav
Text Box Close: Click in the login field
Encrypted Text
Text Type: <TAB>
Delay 0.5 Seconds
Encrypted Text
Text Type: <ENTER>

If the macro is hanging in the Wait for Window Title command instead of the Wait Left Mouse Click command and if you have another window with 'dallas' in the name then it could explain the behavior you are seeing. If we are certain that the problem is with the Wait Left Mouse Click command then Macro Express may have a bug. But since it only happens on your machine I hope the problem is elsewhere.

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Well...a bit embarrassing. Your suggestion to reinstall seems to have fixed the problem. Something I normally would have done as a matter of course. But it is always good to be reminded.

AND I learned some nice things from your responses....... ! I really like the idea of a WAV file to function as a tracer. THANKS !



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