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Repeating Macro From Popup Choice


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Alright I'm working on a macro that will always need to run a different amount of times. I'd either like a popup box or menu that gives me a choice to select or enter how many times I would like the entire macro to run.


I've been having troubles setting this up. I want to be able to do this without having to set up 50 other macros that each have the processes run an additional time.


How do I set it up to have a menu or box I can select how many time. Any input is useful.

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Welcome Killer,


It is rather easy. At the beginning of your macro, input a "Set Variable Integer" with "prompt for value". Set that integer to whatever number... lets say %N1%. Then, set the entire scope of your macro in a repeat loop. Set that repeat to %N1% times. It will then repeat as many times as you input into that first prompt box. See below example.


Variable Set Integer %N1% from Prompt
Repeat with Variable using %N1%
 // Run Macro here
 // Run Macro here
 // Run Macro here
 // Run Macro here
Repeat End


<IVAR2:01:02:FHow many times would you like to run this macro?FTCenter:Center><REP3:05:000001:000001:0001:0:01:><REM2:Run Macro here><REM2:Run Macro here><REM2:Run Macro here><REM2:Run Macro here><ENDREP>

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Me too. I'm constantly discovering something new that make me go “Doh!” and then I want to go back and fix all the macros I had written while ignorant more because I’m embarrassed than lack of functionality. That’s what these forms are great for. We all help each other out to learn new things.

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