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Delete Part Of String Not Working?


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Ok... Here is another I am working on... can't see where I am going wrong. This one is similar to the last one... except it doesn't go backwards. Simple enough, take the first 36 characters, type them in, delete those 36 from the variable and repeat. For some reason, the delete isn't working. Help?


edit: Suppose I should say that on each repeat, it types in the first 36 characters... even though at the end of the repeat (before it ends), I have the delete set to delete the first 36 characters... seems to ignore this command.


Variable Set String %T13% "2005"
Variable Set String %T11% "Adj MRC & NRC billed in error when QLBVPP applied to 156 accts. total adj all accts $32594.62 aprvd Qcare adj ID #22370. content id #10153. Qwest accept date 1/20/05"
Variable Set String %T12% "perm"
Variable Set Integer %N10% from Length of Variable %T11%
Variable Modify Integer: %N11% = %N10% / 36
Variable Modify Integer: %N11% = %N11% + 1
Repeat with Variable using %N11%
 Variable Modify String: Copy Part of %T11% to %T20%
 Text Type: <HOME>
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: <TAB>
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: %T13%
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: <TAB>
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: %T20%
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: <TAB>
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: %T12%
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Text Type: <NUMENTER>
 Delay 0.2 Seconds
 Variable Modify String: Delete Part of %T11%
 Variable Set String %T12% "More"
 Variable Set String %T13% ""
Repeat End



<REM2:><TVAR2:13:01:2005><TVAR2:11:01:Adj MRC & NRC billed in error when QLBVPP applied to 156 accts. total adj all accts $32594.62 aprvd Qcare adj ID #22370. content id #10153. Qwest accept date 1/20/05><TVAR2:12:01:perm><IVAR2:10:12:11><NMVAR:04:11:1:0000010:2:0000036><NMVAR:01:11:1:0000011:2:0000001><REP3:05:000001:000001:0011:0:01:><TMVAR2:10:20:11:000:036:><TEXTTYPE:<HOME>><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:%T13%><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:%T20%><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:<TAB>><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:%T12%><DELAY:.2><TEXTTYPE:<NUMENTER>><DELAY:.2><TMVAR2:11:11:00:000:036:><TVAR2:12:01:More><TVAR2:13:01:><ENDREP>

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