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Tell Between 2 Windows


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Ok. I'm new to Macroexpress so this may actually be a simple question.


I have a progress window called "Data Transfer" that appears after a button press. Following this window is another window called "Data Transfer" that can either be the assign user window or communication problem window. I'm trying to figure out how I tell the difference between the 2. When I try to "Capture Contrl" I get "TButton" which are both highlighted on the windows.


Any suggestions would be appreicated!!!!



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Often the form itself will be a Window Control. If this is the case you could capture the control that makes up the form instead of the button. Also, when you capture the control try turning off the 'Capture using Text' option.


You may find another control on one or the other forms that identify it.


Is the size of the dialog different between the two dialogs? If so, you could use the commands that get the size of the dialog to determine which form is displayed.


Could the position of the dialog identify it? You can also get the position of the dialog.

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