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Can Your Macro Express Do This?


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I've posted a couple times on this topic but looking through the product itself I discovered that it may very well have what I'm looking for but I'm just missing it.


The Explorer stuff uses the Windows components I need for my automation: SysListView32 and SysTreeView32. Obviously the product has that functionality in there but I don't know how to make it work with non-Explorer programs.


So my question to this forum (and any Macro Express developers that may be watching) is; does anyone know how I can take that funtionality from the Explorer command and reuse it for my needs (which are to do the same things but not in programs other than Explorer)? Or, can anyone tell me if there is some command/control that will allow me to traverse a tree or a list (like you could do with the Explorer command)?

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Macro Express will automate things that you would normally type or do with your mouse. You may be able to navigate a TreeView or ListView using keystrokes and/or mouse movements.


Another thing to try is the Windows Controls. If the TreeView or ListView is defined as a component, then you may be able to send mouse clicks or text type to it.


Beyond that, I would need to know more specifics about the application you are using.


The Explorer stuff uses the Windows components I need for my automation: SysListView32 and SysTreeView32. Obviously the product has that functionality in there but I don't know how to make it work with non-Explorer programs.
It is true that Macro Express contains some commands to launch Windows Explorer to a specific folder. But this does not mean that Macro Express can interact with SysListView32 and SysTreeView32 in ways other than those listed above.
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Picture running Windows Explorer. On the left side you have a tree view and on the right you have a list. The product I'm working with has pretty much the same layout and in fact, they are the same type of components (SysTreeView32 on the left, SysListView32 on the right). The past incarnation of the automation could simply take in the element of a list (or tree) and would select it. Unfortunately it's not that fast and I'm not sure how well it would work with Macro Express, which with the aformentioned functionality, would be superior to what I'm using now.

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I can not think of anything beyond my original advice. To summarize:


If you can discover the keystrokes, mouse movements and mouse clicks that do what you want then you should be able to write a macro.


If the components are defined as Windows Controls then you can send keystrokes and mouse movements directly to the controls.


Using Windows Controls is likely to be a bit faster.

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