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Metroscan is one of the most used programs that title companies use. It is a database of real property for different counties in the US. It tells ownerships, property characteristics, sales history etc etc. What I'm trying to do is export all the property owners from one county and export than as a dbf or text file. One drawback is that you can only export 5000 properties at a time. So I'm using macro express to export the properties without a human being watching to make sure when the export is done and go one to the next 5000.... i was able to get the # of records but now i'm stuck on this:


LET say I have 500,000 records with the criterias I entered -- how do I tell Macro Express to Divide the 500,000 by 5000 so I can get the # of files we will be exporting??

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Hello conniek!


Well, let's say that variable %N1% contains 500,000 then you would use the Variable Modify Integer command like so:

Variable Modify Integer: %N2% = %N1% / 5000

Is this what you are asking?


Also, I am curious; is this Metroscan software using Visual Foxpro databases? I ask because you designated .dbf as the database extension.

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:D Thanks for the help -- after writing the post i did figure out the variable modify. I'm not too sure what Metroscan is using as their language builder but dbf is one of the export type available. Metroscan also uses as a default the export type sdf which is really a txt


I did run across another obstacle yesterday though but i'll have to post it later


Connie K.

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