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Hello IPS community,


I am new to macros and I want to learn it thoroughly. For your information, I don't have any knowledge about coding or programming. Now, my question is about variables. I think it's impossible to use macro express effectively without variables so can anybody explain me about what is variables and how to use it in macros? Please try to explain in laymen terms if possible.





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A variable is something that represents something else, E.g.,


x = 2

y = 3

z = x + y = 5


a = "Good"

b = "Hi"

c = First character in a = "G"

d = Number of Characters in b = 2


x, y, and z are numeric variables.

a, b, and c are text variables.

d is a numeric variable that says something about a text variable.


In Macro Express 3, numeric variables always start with the letter N, are followed by a number, and are enclosed in percentage signs:


%N1% = 3

%N2% = 7

%N3% = %N1% + %N2% = 10


Text variables always start with the letter T, are followed by a number, and are enclosed in percentage signs:


%T1% = "Bye"

%T2% = "Happy"

%T3% = First character in %T1% = "B"


%N4% = Number of Characters in %T2% = 5


I hope this gets you started. The Help in Macro Express explains variables quite well. There are many sample ME3 macros available that illustrate how variables work in real life.

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