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Repeat until + Repeat Counter


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To anyone willing to help:


I have a loop that reads like this:


Repeat Until %T1% = ""

body of function

Repeat End


However, I want to insert a counter potentially into a variable within the loop so that when the function is done once, one set of instructions is needed. If the function is done twice then do this, if done three or more times then do this. Anyone know of a way to make it happen?



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Maybe something like this?

Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0
Repeat Until %T1% Equals ""
// Body of Repeat Loop
  Variable Modify Integer %N1%: Increment
End Repeat
// Check the value of %N1%, and decide what to do with it.
Switch( %N1% )
Case: 0
// Do this if %N1% = 0
End Case
Case: 1
// Do this if %N1% = 1
End Case
Case: 2
// Do this if %N1% = 2
End Case
Default Case
// Do this if %N1% = 3 or more
End Case
End Switch

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Maybe something like this?

Variable Set Integer %N1% to 0
Repeat Until %T1% Equals ""
// Body of Repeat Loop
  Variable Modify Integer %N1%: Increment
End Repeat
// Check the value of %N1%, and decide what to do with it.
Switch( %N1% )
Case: 0
// Do this is %N1% = 0
End Case
Case: 1
// Do this is %N1% = 1
End Case
Case: 2
// Do this is %N1% = 2

End Case
Default Case
// Do this is %N1% = 3 or more
End Case
End Switch

Thanks Alan!!!! Worked flawlessly!!! But what exactly is the significance of the "Switch" command?

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