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converting problem

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Hi to everybody.

I am trying to make the transition from ME v 3.6 to ME Pro.

I engage some difficulties when I try to load the macrofile I build build over the last years in ME (some 200 macro's, some very short, some long and complicated).

When importing my macrofile in ME Pro the program likes to add an extra Text Type command (typing />) to each separate macro. Very inconvenient.

Is this a known issue ?

What can I do ?

Can I expect other "phantom commands" ?

Thanks for every answer.

I'll attach a pdf which shows the difference between the ME 3.6 and the Pro version of the same macro

Mart Tupman

ME types by itself.pdf

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I contacted our support department to ask about this. We received your email question on October 7 and a reply was sent the same day. Please check your junk mail folders to see if the response was caught by spam filters. You may want to add the email address info at wintools dot com to your email whitelist.

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Thanks for following up on this Kevin. I'm constantly plagued by this same problem especially doing batch emails for my clients. IMHO spam filters are the 'cure' that's worse than the disease.

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Thanks for following up on this Kevin. I'm constantly plagued by this same problem especially doing batch emails for my clients. IMHO spam filters are the 'cure' that's worse than the disease.

Without using (or being able to use) any spam filters in Gmail, I find its ability to detect Spam almost faultless.

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Most are very expert at detecting spam. The problem is the large number of false positives. But I think Google is very good at limited false positives but other mail providers or even the anti-spam software people buy and run on the desktop are often terrible. I can't tell you how many important corporate emails were missed because they ended up the recipients spam folder. I just wish the word would agree on some method of validating servers. SPF is close but there needs to be something more formal. Having said that I've seen span percentages at my clients drop from the near 90% down into the teens lately.

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