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Floating Menus


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I get tired of moving my floating menus around to get them out of the way. Is there a way to make it so my windows only maximize to a certain size so the floating menus do not interfere?


Also, if I use a popup menu can I control where on the screen the menu pops up. It pops up on the Left of the screen and I want it to popup on the right

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Is there a way to make it so my windows only maximize to a certain size
You could Maximize a window, and then have a macro that uses the Window Resize command to make it a little smaller in width. Or, you could calculate the screen size using the Variable Set Integer from Screen Width and Variable Set Integer from Screen Height commands and use the Window Resize command to set it to the correct size in the first place.


You can set the position of a popup menu as long as you are using the Icons Only, First Part of Macro, or Nickname and Scope styles. Set the X and Y values in the Properties dialog for the popup menu. If you are using the Windows Default style, then you cannot control the position.

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