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Save variable to text file - no existence check?

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What's the problem? If you save and it exists the file is overwritten. If you save and it doesn't exist the file is created.Are you expecting it to warn you if it already exists?

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If the file exists and I don't want it overwritten then I check and prompt the user for action. I try to do these checks early on in the macro.


I sometimes also as the user what they want to do, EG rename, overwrite, or append.

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OK, thanks Cory, that's essentially what I've done in this case, directly before the Variable Modify String > Save to Text File. But I was in a hurry and used the GoTo and Label commands which I'm sure is a clumsy way of achieving my simple aim. Apart from making the default of the If Message a No instead of a Yes, is there a neater way?

Variable Set String %tFileName% from the clipboard contents
If File Exists: "C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\From iPhone+iPad\TEMP.txt"
  If Message "Overwrite?"
    Macro Stop
  End If
End If
Variable Modify String: Save %tFileName% to "C:\Docs\Maps\GPS+GPX files\From iPhone+iPad\TEMP.txt"

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I avoid goto. It's considered a bad practice in most cases. In fact it does nothing for your logic.


I would probably make custom button labels and make the 'true' button "No" to avoid the lonely Else clause. Then just end the macro therein. Much simpler.

If Message "Overwrite?"
  Macro Stop
End If

Also I would give the user the opportunity to change the file name. in a loop they can't get out of until they supply a unique name or abort.

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