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Insert multiple Variables in a textbo

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I don't know of any direct way with ME.

If the users are reasonably intelligent, you could have them enter a single string delimited by some special characters.

For example, Bob Jones&&123 Easy Street&&Augusta&&Georgia&&50403&&

Then it's pretty easy for your macro to deconstruct the string into its components.

It's not an ideal solution but it could work.


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The HTA is a nice way. And for something simple I too would use a deliminator as rberg suggests. "Fallbrook, CA 92028" is easy. So is "San Antonio, TX 78229" You just need to think about your logic.


Another way is to open Notepad as a small window with multiple lines with labels like the one below. Of course pausing with a message box. You would set the text using the Windows Controls and when they click 'continue' the macro uses the control to grab the text. Then split it by newline characters, then take everything after the quote mark. And trim.



Given Name:

Family Name:


Date of Birth:

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On multiple occasions here I have offered to create a simple program in .NET which would accept command line parameter that would allow a user to create a simple form. The parameter would use a text file that would have all the parameters of the form and controls. So imagine the text file might look like:


FormTitle: Cool Form

FormWidth: 300

FormHeight: 400

TextField: Label= "Given Name: " Width=250 PositionX=20 PositionY=10

And so forth and so on.


Each line would be another element that would be built at run time. Then all the results would be returned to the macro as text you can parse. But so far no one has expressed interest.

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On multiple occasions here I have offered to create a simple program in .NET which would accept command line parameter that would allow a user to create a simple form. The parameter would use a text file that would have all the parameters of the form and controls. So imagine the text file might look like:


Each line would be another element that would be built at run time. Then all the results would be returned to the macro as text you can parse. But so far no one has expressed interest.

Hey Cory,


I am interested, I am interested in an easy menu creator and an easy form creator for MEP. Something brainless and easy to use, so they I can give it to my staff who knows the basics for MEP and they can create forms/menus easily instead of the basic stuff STOCK mep provides. As long as it integrates easily we are good.

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I don't know how simple it would be to use for the average user. I was thinking I could create another form that would be a simple builder test window. Maybe some buttons to pop up a form in order to fill something in and then display the results. Then save that to a file to be used.

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I don't know how simple it would be to use for the average user. I was thinking I could create another form that would be a simple builder test window. Maybe some buttons to pop up a form in order to fill something in and then display the results. Then save that to a file to be used.


It would be great if there was a way to take this; http://i.imgur.com/Ck1LXlk.png


And make it produce this: http://i.imgur.com/IoLnR90.png


So a user can add form lists, radio button lists, check boxes, etc. to the menu on commend and can be handled via tabs to avoid a busy window. Then it will make making forms easy and functional. MEP allready has check boxes, radio buttons, and input fields, so the trick is to make it integrate in a visual way for users to easily create these nice menus.


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I was thinking of a text file XML. One line for each element starting with the form itself. And start with just the simple controls like text boxes, labels, and so forth. Each line would then contain a series of parameters. And just the basics. In .NET there are hundred of things you can do to a textbox. I would just his the big ones. Maybe after I'm done with the project I'm on now I'll start a simple project page and and just do one thing as a test and demonstration.

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