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Looking for a review of my macro in action, but wanting someone interested in work

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I hope this is ok being posted like this. A review of the forum guidelines didn't stand out to me as such, but I am tired and could have easily missed it. So if this isn't allowed, admins, please delete and I'll rephrase the request.


Here's the short and sweet. I'd like to have someone review a video of a macro running I've developed for a client that's the first of many projects that we have to do through the rest of the year. I want to have a discussion about what's viewed at the 10,000 foot level with maybe the occasional 10 foot level. I don't need a bullet list of what's wrong and what should be changed, rather I'm looking for a back-and-forth conversation about the project, the macro, the approach, etc.


I've worked with this client before, they were impressed with ME and now we're really getting deep with it. To prevent any liability, though, I'd have to have the person reviewing the video of the macro and the macro itself sign an NDA, limiting the liability just to anything to do with this particular client. As such, I'm looking for an individual who would be interested in working for me likely as a 1099 employee but possibly a w-2 employee. The work would be specific to this client to start, hence the value of reviewing what we are doing and giving input on this particular macro. It also likely wouldn't require assistance until later this year, start of Jan/2017 and might not be needed at all - however I do anticipate there still to be work as the pipeline is starting to get filled quite quickly to the point where I'm concerned I won't have the bandwidth to handle it.


I wouldn't have anyone sign anything first. Instead, feel free to contact me and we can discuss your experience and see if it's something you're interested in before we even talk about signing any sort of legal document. I also would not be opposed to any sort of partnership with other Macro Developers who have their own business and want to do a C2C or some other agreement.


If that can't work, or if this post has to get deleted, then I will either record the video and scrub a lot of of in editing or I will send just the macro with much of it edited as well. But ideally I would like to have a no restrictions conversation about what the macro is doing and I really can't do that without the full thing being seen and an NDA being signed.


PM me if interested. Flame me if this isn't allowed. Admin delete if you get to it first :).




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  • 2 weeks later...

Just seen this post and note it's survived 11 days, so I assume it breaks no rules!


You may have received any number of PMs, but for those of us whose curiosity you've piqued how about a little feedback please? Maybe also upload a short excerpt from your video? I make personal videos/DVDs as a hobby - mainly walking holidays, and I'm simply curious. :mellow:



Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for lack of response. I'll PM you with the video since you're interested.


As for feedback...


I've only had one person take a look and not even at the code, just the video. Since it didn't seem like work they were interested in taking it on, I am still looking for someone who may be interested in the workload. So far it appears that the method I'm doing is working fine, but I would definitely welcome the review of the actual code and the continued conversation on the topic for someone interested in taking on some of this work.


It is looking more and more like I will need someone I can hire on, several factors pending. So if anyone is interested, send me a PM.




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