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Reg: Assertions capability

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Hi All,

I'm a new user to this tool so have basic questions, can anyone help me in addressing those.

1. Is there a capability to search for a specific text and select or click on that particular text

2. Can i grab text from application and paste it in text file 

3. Can i compare text file data with application data

Thanks in advance.



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1. Is there a capability to search for a specific text and select or click on that particular text


You can search for specific text after you copy it into a variable. Selecting text within an application can be done in some applications, but that has nothing to do with Macro Express.


2. Can i grab text from application and paste it in text file


Yes, as long as you can select the text in the application. There may be ways to copy text without selecting when dealing with Window controls.


3. Can i compare text file data with application data



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=== You'll love the 'Capture' option - If the procedure you want to automate is always exactly the same, just

- click on the Capture button at left sidebar
- set up a keyboard shortcut, such as Ctrl-Alt-Shift C
- at the bottom, choose which window the macro will start from
- click OK
- carefully do the procedure, and finish by pressing that same keyboard shortcut.

=== Nice options for speeding the macro and making it easy to edit...

- Options menu
- Preferences
- General
- (the Tab) Capture
-  Capture Speed (unclick 'Capture at a specific speed') 
- OK
=== Now right click on the macro
- Choose Edit Macro
- Wait for the editor to load
- At left, open the Timing menu option (click the   <   at left of <Timing)
- Choose Mouse Speed, and give it a few milliseconds of delay, e.g. 3


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