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Macros deploying twice

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  1. Reboot.
  2. The actions of one macro can trigger another, look there. E.G. a macro with a text type command command can trigger another shortkey macro. 
  3. Is it possible you're running two instances of MEP? Check your task manager. 
  4. Is it possible you have two copies of the same or similar macro files loaded? Check the Macro explorer. 
  5. Enable macro logging and see if they bears any clues.
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Thanks for your replies , I tried the following

1. I tried rebooting 

2. emptied recycle

3. only one instance running as far as I can tell

4. I changed the activation from a keyboard shortcut to a key combination which seemed to work.

5. I closed the program and restarted it but I can still use the old keyboard command to bring up the macro, which seems odd, even though it is not there in the macro express explorer.  

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3 hours ago, James534 said:

5. I closed the program and restarted it but I can still use the old keyboard command to bring up the macro, which seems odd, even though it is not there in the macro express explorer.  

That makes it appear that there is another macro in one of your macro files with that activation.

2 hours ago, James534 said:

I do see the following programs loaded , is this normal ?

These are normal. MacExp.exe is the macro player. MacExit.exe is the macro explorer. MEProx64.exe provides an interface between the 32-bit player (macexp.exe) and 64-bit programs that are running. If you had multiple copies of Macro Express running you would see more than one copy of MacExp.exe in task manager.

If you have more than one macro file loaded try closing all but one of your macro files.

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In your first post you said: "Typically I use a shortcut key...". In your later post you said: "I changed the activation from a keyboard shortcut to a key combination..."

I interpreted the former as a Shortkey activation (such as '=s1' which for me triggers a simple macro to type a signature.) The latter I read as a Hotkey.

But am I right that in fact you've now switched activation from a Hotkey to a Shortkey? If so, does everything look OK under Preferences > Activations > Shortkeys?

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Idea 1: Perhaps you also created an AutoCorrect entry "we-" in an Office application: Word, Outlook, Excel and so on. 

Try running your macro in Notepad, which lacks AutoCorrect. If your MEP script works as expected in Notepad, but outputs twice in Word or Outlook, you may be dealing with an errant AutoCorrect entry.


Idea 2: Are you using any other macro scripting tools, such as AutoCorrect, AutoIT, etc.?



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Do you have any macros with multiple activations? If a macro has more than one activation, a hotkey and a shortkey for example, then the activation is displayed as "Multiple".

To find the macro I would disable half of the macros and see if the we- still activates the macro. Repeat until the macro no longer runs. Enable macros until the activation starts to activate the macro.

To see if another macro tool is running you can terminate or suspend Macro Express. To suspend Macro Express click the M icon in the Notification Area and then Suspend Macro Express.

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Close all your macro files. Create a new one. Import that one macro from the previous file and see if the problem goes away. If it does, it's another macro, possibly in another file. Do binary isolation troubleshooting util you identify which is the culprit. 

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In Explorer highlight the first macro file, then try File > Export > Output Macro Activation... Select Activation and name. Open the text file and look if there are any duplicated. Do this for all open macro files. 

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Thanks for the help

Cory, when you asked how many files do I have open, I have about 50 different macros listed in the explorer. Is that what you mean or macex.mex files. Can there be more than one macex.mex files open at one time? I am trying to make sure I understand your question correctly.

when you say close all your macro files. Would this be the same as disabling the macro or should I export all the files and then open a new .mex file and import one by one?

Acantor, I dont have another macro program but I do use DMPE4 and Knowbrainer. I tried using macroexpress with out opening these programs and the error still occurs. 

Would it be worth while , uninstalling macroexpress and then re-install and then import the macros back in.

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Would it be worth while , uninstalling macroexpress and then re-install and then import the macros back in.

I don't think uninstalling and reinstalling Macro Express will help here. 


Here is another possibility for tracking down the problem:

1. Exit Macro Express and test by typing "we-"

2. If only the three characters appear, load Macro Express. Select every script in the Macro Explorer, and disable them. Test by typing "we-"

3. If only the three characters appear, enable one macro at a time starting with "we-", and test.

4. Continue enabling one macro at at time until the problem reasserts itself.

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I think I found the problem, under explorer -> categories -> System Macros -> All Categories (macex.mex) , underthat file it looks like a duplicate file with the same name was loaded. I did not realize this.

thanks for all the help I really appreciate it

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This is what I was saying. In MEP one can have multiple macro files open. Each macro file contains a number of macros. Sometimes people accidentally duplicate a file and end up with both open at the same time. 

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