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different loops in one macro


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Hey there


its the first time i used macro express.  the Basics and first steps works fine.

but now i want to run a makro with different Loops or Combine several macros

both should start at the same time but different running times


1 macro / or loop

make some mouse moves and clicks and than

delay / or waiting time = for example 3 min


2 macro / or loop

make some mouse moves and clicks and than

delay / or waiting time = for example 5 min


so i want that the macro recognizes automaticly the "sequenze"

in this example

Start with 1 and 2, than 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 and so on


hope you understand what i mean








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In the main macro try using the Macro Run command to start the two macros and disable the option Wait for this macro to terminate before proceeding.

Macro Run: Macro X
Macro Run: Macro Y

<MACRO RUN Use_ID="FALSE" Name="Macro X" ID="-1" Wait="FALSE"/>
<MACRO RUN Use_ID="FALSE" Name="Macro Y" ID="-1" Wait="TRUE"/>

That worked OK when I tested it with two macros that simply displayed messages of different durations. But I haven't had time to test how the mouse cursor gets on with being in two places at once. ?

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Hey terrypin,


thx for the answer .. but i dont understand your command line   (sry its to new for me i think = little macro noob :-D   )

run Makro X  and run Macro Y is clear


thats what i have now

after Macro 1 i Need a waiting time of 5mins

and after Macro 2 i need 7 min waiting time

i dont find the funktion

>> disable the option Wait for this macro to terminate before proceeding <<


Marco 1.jpg

Marco 2.jpg

Marco Main.jpg

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"...both [macros] should start at the same time but different running times"

"...after Macro 1 i Need a waiting time of 5mins"

Those seem contradictory?

I don't follow your description, but my interpretation is that you want to start a macro called Macro X and when it has finished its task some unspecified time later you want to wait several minutes and then start Macro Y. And so on.

So in the main macro you would have commands like these

Macro Run: Macro X
Delay: 420 seconds // Delay of 7 minutes
Macro Run: Macro Y


Re your last question, in my post I said:

"... and disable the option Wait for this macro to terminate before proceeding. "



BTW, I'm curious why you've inserted half second delays between mouse clicks?

I'd suggest that to develop your understanding you experiment with these three commands:
Macro Run, Delay and Text Box Display and in each case use F1 and study the options.




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