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Could not access the specified registry variable

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Hi again..

I can't understand what's happening here. I'm using ME Pro Portable. A selection of my macros write to the registry. On one PC with which I do most of my work, everything works fine. I created all the necessary registry keys on another PC in order to be able to work on that PC. However I'm seeing a lot of errors Eg. Line 7: Debug error: Could not access the specified registry value. With one macro, by elimination, I determined that this error would happen when there was no value set in the registry key. I wrote values to all the keys referenced in that macro and it now works fine. Now I have another macro with the same issue. This time there is a value in there "B" so I'm stumped. I'm running in administrator mode. If I disable just that one line then all the other values load correctly. The variable is correctly defined. Wonder what's going on? Thanks.

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Maybe try to see what's being written to. That's all I can think of to try. 

My first thought was running with elevated privileges, but obviously you thought of that. 

How about disabling the anti-virus or other security software. McAfee and others will block suspicious programs from writing to the registry. 

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