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Get Control of app icon on Taskbar?

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I don't think that this is possible, but I thought I'd ask...  Using Win 10, MEp 6.  My most-used applications get a spot pinned to the Taskbar.  Most of those apps also have user support forums (like this one!).   So I thought it would be handy if I could Ctrl+Click the app icon, and it would launch my web browser with the forum address. 

Doesn't have to be "Ctrl+Click", any alternative click would be fine.  The problem is that I don't think that you can "lock on" to a specific button with MEp's Control tools.  The Capture Window Control utility can only detect the entire group of app icons--not a specific icon.  I also tried with Window Detective and WinSpecterSpy, and got the same thing.  I probably shouldn't use "screen coordinates" because the icons sometimes get moved or added/removed.  


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That's a good thought.  I just have so many hot-key combos in my head already  :- /  

Another idea I had was (when the application is already open) right-click on the Minimize button, top right of window.   I could scope it globally,then have for example 

If window title is ABC
 -go to ABCforum.com
If window title is XYZ
 -go to XYZforum.com

and so on.  

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1 hour ago, kunkel321 said:

Another idea I had was (when the application is already open) right-click on the Minimize button, top right of window. 

This is a great idea! I just created a macro that does just that. It is going to be very handy. 

FYI: I could not get this technique to work with Visual Studio 2017 because it uses non-standard minimize, maximize and close buttons.

Thank you for the idea. Here is what I have so far. This is activated by a Mouse Event, right-click, area on screen, minimize button.

Variable Set String %WindowTitle% to topmost window title
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "Macro Express"
  Web Site, "https://www.macros.com", using Default Web Browser
End If
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "Microsoft Outlook"
  Web Site, "https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum?sort=LastReplyDate&dir=Desc&tab=All&status=all&mod=&modAge=&advFil=&postedAfter=&postedBefore=&threadType=All&isFilterExpanded=false&page=1", using Default Web Browser
End If
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "- Microsoft Visual Studio"
  Web Site, "https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?category=visualstudio", using Default Web Browser
End If
If Variable %WindowTitle% Equals "FileZilla"
  Web Site, "https://forum.filezilla-project.org/", using Default Web Browser
End If
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "- Eclipse"
  Web Site, "https://www.eclipse.org/forums/", using Default Web Browser
End If
If Variable %WindowTitle% Contains "- Google Chrome"
  Web Site, "https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/sl/pwd?service=groups2&passive=1209600&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fproductforums.google.com%2Fforum%2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fproductforums.google.com%2Fforum%2F&authuser=0&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin#!categories/chrome", using Default Web Browser
End If
<VARIABLE SET STRING Option="\x05" Destination="%WindowTitle%"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x06" Value="Macro Express" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://www.macros.com" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x06" Value="Microsoft Outlook" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook_com/forum?sort=LastReplyDate&dir=Desc&tab=All&status=all&mod=&modAge=&advFil=&postedAfter=&postedBefore=&threadType=All&isFilterExpanded=false&page=1" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x06" Value="- Microsoft Visual Studio" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/home?category=visualstudio" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x00" Value="FileZilla" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://forum.filezilla-project.org/" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x06" Value="- Eclipse" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://www.eclipse.org/forums/" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>
<IF VARIABLE Variable="%WindowTitle%" Condition="\x06" Value="- Google Chrome" IgnoreCase="TRUE"/>
<WEB SITE URL="https://accounts.google.com/signin/v2/sl/pwd?service=groups2&passive=1209600&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fproductforums.google.com%2Fforum%2F&followup=https%3A%2F%2Fproductforums.google.com%2Fforum%2F&authuser=0&flowName=GlifWebSignIn&flowEntry=ServiceLogin#!categories/chrome" Wait="FALSE" Default_Browser="TRUE" NoEmbeddedVars="FALSE" _IGNORE="0x000C"/>


Edited by Samrae
Update macro code to fix issue with copy/paste
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No worries.  I already recreated it anyway.  ;)  Thanks though. 

I'm curious ... Why do you have empty comments between each If-statement?  Is it just for visual spacing in the code? 

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2 hours ago, kunkel321 said:

Why do you have empty comments between each If-statement?  Is it just for visual spacing in the code? 

Yes. I find a little white space helps make things more understandable, especially if I look at the macro a few days, weeks or months later.

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