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Playable Macro And Windows Tasks Scheduler


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I've created a scheduled task in Windows Task Scheduler to run a macro that I have exported as a playable macro (mxe).


When I run it, MacroExpress main window opens but the macro doesn't run.

If I run the exported playable macro, then it works.


Any help.

Thanks to all.

This is usually a problem with the Task Scheduler, and not Macex.


A couple of common errors can prevent Task Scheduler from working:


1) Username/password errors. Scheduled tasks need a valid user to execute. You can change this in the "Run as" and "Set password" boxes.


2) File/path errors. You can check this in the "Run" box.


To troubleshoot Task Scheduler entries, just right-click on them and select "Run". If they don't run right away, then something is wrong.


-Lemming B)

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My testing with 'Scheduled Tasks' turned up some very interesting results. Even though a playable macro will run if I put c:\chkhosts.mxe in the Run dialog, the macro will not run when c:\chkhosts.mxe is entered into the Windows Scheduler.


But, you can do what you need if you use MeProc.exe. Try this:

"C:\Program Files\Macro Express3\MeProc.exe" /MXEc:\chkhosts.mxe

in the 'Run:' field in the Windows Scheduler dialog. Replace 'c:\chkhosts.mxe' with the pathname of your playable macro.


Is there a reason why you are not using Scheduled macros from within Macro Express itself?

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Thank you for answering Kevin.

Your method works.


Well, I was thinking about using Windows Scheduler to avoid the need to run MacroExpress in the Windows Startup processes. Also, once the macro has run, MacroExpress would shut down.


In other words some kind of of standalone playable macro.


Do you know if this is possible?


Thanks again.

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I don't think anyone has ever tried to terminate Macro Express using the Terminate Macro Express command from within a playable macro. I created a test macro and confirmed that there is a problem.


If the playable macro containing the Terminate Macro Express command runs when Macro Express is already running, then it runs and shuts down Macro Express.


If the playable macro containing the Terminate Macro Express command runs when Macro Express is not already running, then it runs and tries to shut down Macro Express but Macro Express is not correctly shutdown and remains 'in limbo'.


This issue has been entered into our bug tracking system. We will work on a fix for a future release of Macro Express.

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