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How Do I Get An Application To Open Files?


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I'd like to test a custom windows application I have created by writing a macro to get it to load a succession of files and perform operations on them. I can't just open the file from windows because they are not associated with the application. For example, its like writing a macro to tell Excel to open a series of .txt files.


The only way I thought you could do this was to capture individual macros for opening each file, put those macro name in a text and read them in one at a time. I was using the "process text file" example, reading in each line, assiging it to a varible, then using the run macro in variable commnand.


I have 3 macros: open file 1, open file 2, open file 3, and I put them into a text file as:

open file 1

open file 2

open file 3


I've verified that the trsings ar egetting into the variable. But all I get is text coming out into my other application.


Any suggestion to do this? Perhaps I need to use a special syntax for the macro name in the text file? Or is there an easier was to do the required task?





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The application needs to be already running, so I don't think I can use the lanuch program command. Here is teh macro:


<ACTIVATE2:MDF File Import>


<TVAR2:10:01:D:\Archive_Documents\Customers\Auto Data Analysis\MDF_Reader\>


<REM2:Process the file>

<DIS:<TFILE:D:\Archive_Documents\Customers\Auto Data Analysis\MDF_Reader\openfilemacros.txt>





text file contains:

open file 1

open file 2

open file 3






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