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Execute Macro On Hotkey Down?


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I assign a number of macros to hotkeys like Ctrl-~ and Ctrl-Shift-W. However, they don't run until I release the Ctrl key... which makes them feel far less useful.


For instance, sometimes I'd like to run the Ctrl-~ macro by holding down Ctrl and pressing ~, ~, ~... in most Windows apps this would work fine.


Any plans to fix this?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This feature will tentatively be added in a later release as an option.

That sounds very ... um ... tentative. Can you be more specific, as this intention was original stated quite a while ago (at least a year or more)? It would be nice to hear whether it's really going to happen, as well as some idea as to when. Its current absence has completely stymied my efforts at some keyboard remapping that could save me from an impending case of RSI.



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  • 9 months later...

Any new news on that new feature in that new version? It's quite natural to assume that the pressing of a key will cause an event to occur. Needing to remember that it's the release that counts is exceedingly counter-intuitive.


Also, once this feature is instituted, then we might finally get repeatable macros (repeated while the key is held down).



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  • 9 months later...



I'm currently evaluating Macro Express and am very impressed, however this is a particular issue I've noticed and was hoping to see some news that this was going to be addressed.


It seems the latest release (3.7) came out in June of this year, but doesn't appear to have included this feature. Is the "major release" still pending, and if so I would be very grateful to find out if this feature is still planned to be included, and if possible a rough timescale for when you expect to release.


Many thanks.

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  • 4 months later...

Yet another person here who would like to see this feature. It is a bit annoying to have to release the keys for the macro to finally start. I could get things done even faster if i could hold the CTRL key, navigate with the mouse, and press the various second keys i need in each place without letting go of CTRL.

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