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Function That Shows How Many Repeat That Is Left?


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I use a macro with repeat function.

Sometimes I ativate it with repeat that runs 200 times.


But can I in some way see how far the macro is??


has it repeat 10, 100 or 150 times. that would sometimes be nice to know :-))


Hope you understand my funny english :-)

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You could use Text Box Display command to display the count. Something like this:

Repeat Start (Repeat 100 times)
 Text Box Close: Count is
 Text Box Display: Count is %N1%
 // Put your macro commands here
Repeat End

Updating the Text Box will slow down your other macro commands. This may not matter but if it does you might want to update the display of the count less frequently. This example updates the display of the counter every 10th time through the loop.

Repeat Start (Repeat 100 times)
 Variable Modify Integer: %N2% = %N1% / 10
 If Variable %N2% > variable %N3%
   Text Box Close: Count is
   Text Box Display: Count is %N1%
 End If
 Variable Modify Integer: Copy %N2% to %N3%
 // Put your macro commands here
Repeat End

Make sure you put a checkmark in the 'Place Counter in Variable' checkbox in the Repeat Start command.

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So it must be like this


repeat prompt start (where I put in how many times it has to repeat.


Variable Modify Integer: %N2% = %N1% / 10

If Variable %N2% > variable %N3%

Text Box Close: Count is

Text Box Display: Count is %N1%

End If

Variable Modify Integer: Copy %N2% to %N3%


and after this the rest of my macro


This will give me a box that every 10 repeat updates with how many times left or have been done ????

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