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Identifying one out of many Running Processes

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I'm happy to change tack; There exists an internet shortcut for opening Sendleap in Chrome; is there a way of referencing THAT in a macro to launch SendLeap ?


No need for a reply - I have managed to get the macro to launch SendLeap.


The next difficulty is that before opening Sendleap, a Debugger window opens and needs to be closed.

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Sure. If the shortcut exists as an icon somewhere on your computer, then it's got the ".lnk" extension. Then use the

"Program Launch" option in Macro Express:


Program Launch: "SendLeap.lnk" (Normal)


There is another option that doesn't involve Macro Express. Place the shortcut on the desktop. Open its properties, and enter a "Shortcut key." Pressing that key combination will launch the shortcut, even when the Desktop isn't exposed.

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I need to use Macro Express because the window that opens has to be 'manipulated' - I can explain if you want to know - but i think the reason is irrelevant to solving my problem.


I succeeded in launching sendLeap from a macro (using the shortcut I mentioned), but before I can do the required manipulation, I have to close a Debugger Window that opens when the macro is run. It only requires a mouse click, so I have coded-in an ENTER press, but that is not closing the Debugger Window.

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That debugger window only shows  when I do 'Test Run' - not if I use the hotkey - so that obstacle is over come.


The manipulation I need to do starts with selecting a control button. My macro can enter a TAB to highlight the first button, but whereas MANUALLY it's a matter of repeating TAB to 'move to' the Control button of interest, in the macro, entering the code for TAB does NOT have the same effect. That is my new obstacle. How else can I change the focus of control buttons ?

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You may need to insert a delay before the macro outputs Tab. Start with one second. Then through trial and error experimentation, see if the delay can be shorter without sacrificing reliability.


It might be possible for Macro Express to directly act on the button without the need to tab, but the method is hard to explain, and it only works in certain applications. Read Help on the "Get Control" instruction.



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I had tried 2 seconds delay - and since that did not work, I thought there might be another problem, but sure, I can try 5 seconds and work back down.

Thank you for the 'get control' hint - I'll investigate it.


5 seconds had the desired effect (at first try anyway) but raises the intellectual (NOT practical) problem that this is short of TWO TABs that are supposed to be needed.

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Although that script has achieved my desired goal, it has two undesired bonuses. A separate Chrome window with the error message also opens, and the first line of code which was meant to be a comment, gets activated to enter the text string 'Launches SendLeap as a chrome App'. It's easy enough to remove that line, I have found the COMMENT option in the Edit Menu, so THAT has been resolved. It's still a mystery why the macro works and why I get a second Chrome window opened.

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