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Text type shift key unreliable

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If I set "text type" to type a string variable, where the string in the variable has an uppercase first letter, MEP may type the letter in lowercase on one occasion, or in uppercase on another occasion. This is Macro Express Pro v. in Windows 10. To type a symbol on a number key such as "$" it seems to be necessary to have "shift key down" explicitly or the number will be typed, not the symbol. I have delays on both sides of the command to avoid clashes with previous or following commands.

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I have seen the problem where the initial letter that should be upper case types as lower case.  That was way back at Macro Express 3.  Sorry I don't remember the solution, but I think it had to do with the application into which the data was typed.  What is your application?  What Keystroke Speed is specified in your macro? 


I can't reproduce your issue with ME Pro 4, typing into Notepad or Word. 

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The recipient software is TCC by JP Software, a command-line shell. I suspect that if keystroke speed within the typing of the variable could be slowed down this might help. I haven't found how to do that. I have also tried the option to use clipboard and paste text but that produces "v" instead of the variable.

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Keyboard Repeat Delay Factor 1
Keyboard Repeat Speed Factor 31
Keystroke Speed: 100 milliseconds


Hopefully one or a combination of the above commands will work. You'll need to experiment with different values.


The "Use the clipboard and paste text" option works nicely for me. Check that there are no additional characters in the "Keystroke" field, especially invisible ones, like spaces and Enters.



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I'm willing to bet that if case is changing, it's something your program is doing. An uppercase A is not (shift+A) as some people imagine, it's a unique binary code. My guess is like some apps it helps people who don't use the shift key get the correct sentence case. Maybe try modifying the string to be all lower case just to see what happens. 

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